If you are a smoker, the sooner you quit before the surgery, the better it will be for you. It will also be in your best interest to quit heavy meals until 3 days before the operation.
First of all, this surgery is simpler and more comfortable than other methods. There is no serious pain after the operation. The patient can leave the hospital within 3 days.
The first 12 months after the operation is a period of great change for the body. Therefore, pregnancy is definitely not recommended in the first 12 months.
The most important issue to be considered is healthy nutrition. Since your stomach capacity is greatly reduced, the amount of food you take decreases. Therefore, the quality of the food you take becomes very important for you and your baby.
During the operation, patients inevitably experience stress, and in addition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies occur due to sudden undernutrition. Therefore, some patients may experience temporary hair loss.
It is not recommended to consume vegetables for a month. First of all, it is important for stomach health to stay away from vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage that can cause gas problems.
Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. In order not to lose strength after the surgery, it is very important to eat plenty of protein in order not to lose muscle.
If you make exercise a part of your life, you can prevent sagging to a large extent. One year after the operation, you can get rid of sagging with surgical methods.
It is necessary to wait 4 weeks to start using the drug. Then, drugs that can be considered heavy can be used together with stomach medicine and plenty of water.
First of all, routine basic tests are taken for every surgery, such as complete blood count, urinalysis, blood tests. In addition, thyroid function tests, blood sugar, and sometimes an oral glucose tolerance test for Type II diabetes are performed. In adult patients, pulmonary gill and EKG are taken. An ultrasound of the entire abdomen is performed to evaluate the liver and to see if there are any stones in the gallbladder or any other intra-abdominal problem. Gastroscopy is essential to rule out problems such as gastric hernia and ulcer. Pulmonary function tests, echocardiography, sleep test (polysomnography) and cardiology, chest diseases consultation are the examinations requested when necessary.
The benefits of laparoscopic surgery are less pain and discomfort, shorter surgery and hospital stay, faster return to normal life, and less scarring. With less pain and early mobilization, the risk of lung problems and deep vein thrombosis is also reduced.
The benefits of laparoscopic surgery are less pain and discomfort, shorter surgery and hospital stay, faster return to normal life, and less scarring. With less pain and early mobilization, the risk of lung problems and deep vein thrombosis is also reduced.
In many patients, we use a thin silicone drain to prevent fluid accumulation in the abdomen and as a precaution. This is a security measure, does not mean there is a problem. Usually, your drain will be removed on the 2nd or 3rd day of the surgery. In general, the drain does not cause a serious problem.
Until you become self-sufficient. Although it varies from person to person, 3 or 4 days of hospitalization is sufficient after laparoscopic gastric bypass. If the surgery is open, this period is extended to 5-7 days. After you leave the hospital, you will be able to take care of yourself, but you will need help with shopping, transportation and carrying loads.
For your own safety, it is recommended not to drive as long as you are using narcotics for pain relief. The recommended time is 7-14 days after surgery.
Many tablets and capsules are small enough to pass through the new stomach pouch. However, it is recommended that the liquid forms of the drugs be preferred or crushed at the beginning.
Excess skin sagging is related to age, elasticity of the skin and how stretched the skin is. In many patients, after losing excess weight, excess skin needs to be corrected with aesthetic intervention. The only measure that can reduce sagging is exercise.
Staples used in the abdomen are much thinner than those used on the skin and are made of titanium. This chemically inactive substance does not cause a reaction in almost all patients. Since it is not magnetic, you can enter MRI and you will have no problems with security.
During the weight loss period, many waste products need to be excreted through the urine. Some of these tend to crystallize and can cause kidney stones. Consumption of water both facilitates their excretion and accelerates weight loss. Water also fills the stomach, prolonging the feeling of satiety.
Milk containing lactose cannot be digested well. Until this milk sugar is digested by bacteria in the lower intestine, it can cause gas complaints. While it varies with individual tolerance, some patients report that even small amounts of milk cause cramps, gas, and diarrhea.
Snacks are generally light in weight but heavy in weight, that is, useless high-calorie foods. These can add hundreds of calories to your daily intake without realizing it. This renders your operation ineffective. It reduces your weight loss and may cause you to gain weight again. Therefore, snacking should be strictly avoided. Low-calorie and healthy snacks can be preferred.
You can eat over time, but the first few months after surgery can be difficult. Red meat contains high amounts of fiber. Each piece needs to be chewed very well. Therefore, it can lead to a blockage at the exit of your stomach pouch if not chewed well. In the early postoperative period, meatballs made from thoroughly blended ground beef can be preferred.
After surgery, you will find that even small doses of alcohol affect you quickly. Alcohol contains high calories and seriously affects your caloric balance. For this reason, we recommend that you do not consume alcohol for the first year. However, having a glass of wine or a light cocktail for social purposes is not disastrous.
After gastric bypass surgery, you must use a daily multivitamin for life. Sometimes monthly B12 injections may be required in the first year. In many patients, oral intake of iron preparations is sufficient to prevent anemia.