Although various TV shows and celebrities make breast augmentation seem easy, it is one of the most demanding procedures. So, just like any surgery, a patient needs to follow strict recovery period to avoid complications and discomfort. After all, the body needs some time to recover and adjust to a new body which means you will have to take it slowly.
However, that doesn’t mean any exercise at all, but rather that you will have to adapt your physical activity to your healing body. So, here is a girl’s guide for doing fitness after breast augmentation that will help you stay in good shape and without any issues due to your workout plan.
The first thing you should do after the surgery is to talk to your surgeon about what kind of activities you are allowed to do. The recovery process will determine how much physical activity your body can withstand post-op. So, follow instructions from your surgeon to the letter and go to follow-up appointments on schedule so your body can heal properly.
A lot depends on the procedure, type of implants, their position as well as your lifestyle, diet and overall health. The surgeon will explain all the details about available implants, give you advice on pre- and post-op care.
On average, it will take six to eight weeks for a patient to continue with the workout routine they had before the breast augmentation surgery. But before that, you need to take it slow and not exaggerate with exercising. Walking is a perfect post-op activity that will improve blood circulation which is responsible for faster healing and reducing the risk of complications. Light yoga and stretching are also perfect for the body and mind to recover from the surgery stress and make the recovery process more comfortable.
It will take one to two weeks to have your energy back after surgery so don’t push yourself too much. After this period, you can try light cardio like going for long walks or using a treadmill and stationary bike at your gym. If you swim regularly, now it will have to wait for at least three weeks to submerge breasts in the water and two months to use the swimming strokes.
It will take some time before you can return to your regular exercise plan, so concentrate on your cardio workout at the gym. During the recovery period, avoid chest flies, bench press and hanging led raises. Use fitness exercise equipment especially the one designed for cardio workouts like a treadmill. This will keep you within the allowed activities like cycling and walking, although avoid jogging and running until your surgeon approves.
The first 10 days after surgery, you should avoid any type of weight lift and high-impact exercise. Usually, patients can start lifting weights and running three to four weeks after the surgery although sprinting and Tabata are still off-limits at that time. Even when you do leg training with the deadlift and barbell squat, you still involve chest muscles so avoid this exercise the first month or so after breast augmentation.
While your surgeon will give you detailed instructions, you also need to pay attention to what your body tells you. If you go overboard with exercise, the implants can shift and change the shape of your breasts as well as their appearance. Furthermore, the scar may not heal properly or it can harden and even cause you constant pain.
So always pay close attention to how your body reacts to certain movements and exercises, even the ones recommended as safe after surgery. Every body is different and so the recovery process is individual and unique for each patient. Generally, it takes two months for the body to fully heal after breast augmentation and then you can start your normal exercise routine once again.
This girl’s guide for doing fitness after breast augmentation covers the basic dilemmas that every woman might face after the surgery. If you are afraid of putting on weight during the recovery, try changing your diet and lifestyle. However, also remember that your body needs the energy to heal and regenerate so choose meal plans which include healthy foods and practices.
Go for a short walk every day and find a hobby that will keep you occupied for a week or two until you can increase exercise a bit. Patience is the key to fast recovery, so listen to your surgeon and your body for the best possible results.